Following are some strategies for building resiliency.
Acknowledge your feelings: As explored in the job loss cycle, you will be confronted with a scale of emotions. People who cope well with stress are able to acknowledge their feelings to begin tracing them back to their source. You may feel anger, denial, worry, anxiety, fear, desperation, frustration, and other emotions. What do you feel?
Connect: Connect with your family members and friends and let them in on how you’re feeling. Make new connections by volunteering, getting involved in a club, group or community, and spending time in public places (such as a coffee shop or library).
Do Something: Do something each day. Make a plan for the next day and work to accomplish that task.
Work on Positivity: You can’t change the situation but your outlook can change the future. Focusing on the negative sides of your job loss experience will compound the negative emotions and impact your ability to cope. Work hard on remaining positive and find joy in what you are doing. This positive outlook will show through and will have a positive impact on your job search.
Stay Active: Taking care of yourself will help you stay healthy emotionally and physically. Exercise – whether it’s a walk, jog, yoga, etc. – will both keep you healthy and help to clear your mind and make you feel good about yourself. This will help to keep you positive.
Action Plan: Make a list/an action plan of steps you can take towards moving on in your transition or working on your job search. Check the tasks off as you do them.
Establish a Routine: Many people struggle with the sudden lack of structure and have difficulty staying on track through the day. Establishing a daily routine and filling your time will help you from dwelling on negative emotions and instead focus on the positive, proactive steps you are taking to move forward in your transition.