The days of going to the classified section of the newspaper are almost behind us. While job ads still find their way into the newspaper, they are limited in comparison to the job ads you can find on the internet.
Where should you look to find job postings? There are hundreds of sites you may look at, many of them claiming to be the best resource for job postings. There are many local job posting sites, some of which you will find links to below. We also recommend checking The Working Centre’s Job Postings board.
Other sites, also posted below, are national or international in scope, such as Workopolis or Monster.
Then there are the countless job posting sites that are specific to sectors, such as sites focusing on environmental jobs or jobs in education. We have tried to include links to some of these sites in our Sector Specific Info pages, however, you will need to do some of your own research to ensure you are fully aware of what’s available.
One final note about job postings:
You will find an extensive guide on this website recommending a targeted job search where job postings play a fairly minor role. It’s important to monitor websites for job postings and submit your application appropriately. Job postings can also be helpful in conducting labour market research. However, we want to stress that the most effective job search will focus more on gathering information, targeting specific employers, working to build your network, and self-marketing to potential employers.
This approach is based on our experience with job-seekers over the years which has shown us that the targeted job search is the most effective job search. We recommend you work with an employment counsellor and use our guide to Job Searching to conduct the most effective job search possible.