Waterloo Region is a hub for not-for-profits and our community has a richness of helpful organizations and individuals. Still, it can be complex and confusing trying to navigate through the system and the community to try to find the resource you need.
The Working Centre has often been described as the place people go when they don’t know where else to go. Many times we can provide the assistance or resources you need right here at The Working Centre. Other times we can help to connect you to someone who can help. We have long enjoyed acting as a navigator, pointing people in the right direction and making informed connections.
In the following pages you will see links and advice on where to find some community resources and support. This is just the tip of the iceberg and in no way is this list complete. If you don’t see the help you’re looking for in the following pages we encourage you to come in to The Working Centre and have a chat with us – we’ll do our best to hear you out and see how we can be of assistance.