Motive Power is an umbrella term referring to a range of trades working with moving machines. Ontario’s economy relies on the proper functioning and supply of transportation equipment, making this an important sector with ongoing career possibilities.
Further, this is a sector which is expected to grow, with an expected labour shortage of tradespeople in the motive sector. The Automotive Parts Manufacturers Association predicts 15,000 skilled tradespeople will be needed in the auto parts industry over the next five to six years, far exceeding the supply created by current apprenticeships.
As with any occupation we feel it's important to network with people in the field to learn more about the sector, and get a sense of what is in demand and what your best course of action is.
Below you will find links to information about apprenticeships and training opportunities to enter the Motive Power sector. You can also find more general information about finding and funding apprenticeships in our Apprenticeship section.