The Working Centre has a long history of working with both Internationally Educated Social Workers and newcomers who would like to transition into social work or a related helping occupation. (For more information on our programs for Internationally Educated Social Workers, please see the page Social Work at The Working Centre).
As the labour market is very competitive locally for social workers it’s vitally important to begin volunteering, networking, gathering information and building your reputation. A social worker’s best currency in this labour market is their positive reputation as a competent, skilled professional.
Our experience with newcomers tells us that education and qualifications, while vitally important, simply aren’t enough to transition into the ideal job. The length and scope of your journey will vary depending on many factors including your background experience, qualifications, language level, and the time and energy you can put into finding your ideal job. This is a complex and long-term journey.
We have developed a chart specific to social work to help you in the short-, medium-, and long-term steps you can take towards your goal. The journey is long and complex – we suggest working with your employment counsellor to plan your journey and keep on track to ensure your path to your ideal job is clear and focused.