Richard Bolles, using the work of Dr. John L. Holland, describes six main people environments, excerpted from the 2008 What Colour is Your Parachute, pages 308-309:
The Realistic-People Environment - filled with people who prefer activities involving "the explicit, ordered, or systematic manipulation of objects, tools, machines and animals".
The Investigative People Environment - filled with people who prefer activities involving "the observation and symbolic, systematic, creative investigation of physical, biological, or cultural phenomena".
The Artistic-People Environment - filled with people who prefer activities involving "ambiguous, free, unsystematized activities and competencies to create art forms or products".
The Social-People Environment - filled with people who prefer activities involving "the manipulation of others to inform, train, develop, cure or enlighten".
The Enterprising-People Environment - filled with people who prefer activities involving "the manipulation of others to attain organizational or self-interest goals".
The Conventional-People Environment " filled with people who prefer activities involving the "explicit, ordered, systematic manipulation of data, such as keeping records, filing materials, reproducing materials, organizing written and numerical data according to a prescribed plan, operating business and data processing machines."