We are excited to host a variety of learning events this January focused on building sustainable, regenerative ways of life in response to the climate emergency. Events this month include:
I] Coping with Climate Change Workshop
Climate Change can be difficult to deal with: personally, emotionally, and existentially. This workshop engages on all these levels in community. We explore four themes: Gratitude, Honouring our pain for the World, Seeing with New Eyes, & Going Forth. The next event will be Thursday, January 12th, 7pm at Queen St Commons. Register on eventbrite.
II] The Green Lie - Documentary Film at KPL
Green cars, green houses, green everything! Greenwashing is ubiquitous. How can we tell the difference between the actually sustainable and the spin?
Join us for the documentary The Green Life which explores these themes. See the trailer here. Documentary will be hosted on Monday, January 16th, at 7pm at Kitchener Public Library - Central Branch.
III] The End of Advertising? An After the Alarm policy event
Societies have sounded the alarm. Governments have declared we are in a climate emergency. But are we acting like it? And what would it look like if we are actually acting like it’s an emergency?
One way governments can show they are acting like an emergency is by restricting advertising fueling climate change. We banned tobacco advertising because we knew the consequences on people's health. Should we also ban advertising that is fueling the climate emergency?
Our first event will be held on Thursday, January 26th, 7pm at the Queen St Commons. Please RSVP to me (isaiahr@theworkingcentre.org). Space is limited. These events will be held in partnership with 50x30WR, Divest Waterloo, and FaithClimateJustice.