Community Tools and Enterprise
Practical and productive creative enterprise
Community Tool projects are practical and productive examples of enterprise. We seek to serve the common good through skill building and to provide access to tools for those not able to participate in the larger economy. The main work of regeneration happens through re-use, re-purposing and creating goods and services.
Community Tools seek to make daily living more affordable and cooperative.

Through 30 years of experience developing and operating social enterprises, The Working Centre emphasizes belonging through volunteer opportunities, work and community service placements. Community Tool projects are regenerative enterprises that work to build reciprocity, generate sustainable income, teach craft, and instill the virtues of cooperation.
Working Centre Enterprise projects include café’s, recycling of bicycles or computers, repurposing clothing and housewares/furniture …. Almost anything can be turned into a community tool, as long as it is organized for maximum engagement and inclusion. Our Learning Projects are a community tool, as we bring people together to learn about creative community development. Our global and local partner CTXGreen has modelled how community based renewable energy projects can be organized as a community tool.
These enterprises are learning and engagement projects that foster belonging and work for the common good.