Who we are
A Web of Community Building
The Working Centre is an integral part of the social service fabric of Kitchener-Waterloo. Our integrated projects create access to tools for those without work, those without housing and the most vulnerable – a web of community building. We build hospitable and welcoming places where community forms and people find belonging, practical supports and ways to contribute. 42 years later, we practice emergence as we adapt to the breakdown of community seen in the growing intensity of the work and the increasing isolation/dislocation that people are experiencing. In the face of this new reality we bring people together in common spaces and find common ground in spite of differences.

Our website reflects the projects and work of The Working Centre which speaks to our commitment to community building.
The Working Centre is registered as an Ontario Not-for-profit organization, with Charitable Status from CRA, located in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, that is governed by a Board of Directors. We have been fortunate to be served by Board members who have provided long-term stability and foresight for the Centre.
Board Members
President: Carol Taylor
Vice President: Kevin Kalbfleisch
Treasurer: Darren Denomme
Secretary: Wendy Czarny
Asnake Dabala
Eunice Valenzuela
Funke Oba
Don Gingerich
Learn More
The Virtual Tour is an online tour of the projects that help to form the web of services offered by The Working Centre.
Working Centre Publications reflects the range of writing and photo stories created by The Working Centre.
Practices and Policies – As an organization we prefer practices before policies. Practices are at the core of how we make decisions, how we do our work. As well, we have a number of Policies where required, written in ways that support the practices we hold as central to our work.
The Working Centre is a Registered Charitable Organization in Canada – CRA Charitable # 13092 9607 RR0001

We acknowledge with gratitude the thoughtful and creative photography of Doug MacLellan. Based in Windsor, Ontario, Doug has made a concerted effort to reflect the story of The Working Centre in photographs. We first met him just out of Conestoga College in the early 1980’s and reconnected for our 25th anniversary. Many of the photographs on this website were taken by Doug. You can see his book Making Home listed under our Working Centre Publications. Doug captures the work, the colour, and the people in beautiful and memorable ways.